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Frequently Asked Questions


Katze Hund vor Computer

​​​How does a veterinary housecall work?

All appointment times are to be considered as +/- 20 minutes, as traffic cannot be precisely planned. Make sure a few hours in advance that your pet is inside the house and can no longer leave it on its own. Ideally, bring your pet to the smallest, lockable room in your home 30 minutes before our appointment. The fewer hiding spots there are, the better. Depending on the type of treatment planned, feeding in this room may help relax your animal.


Is a house call suitable for all dogs, cats, rodents, and rabbits?

If your pet has already shown strong defensive reactions at the vet's, a home visit might not be ideal. This could lead to injuries, which must be avoided at all costs. If you are unsure whether a house call is an option for your pet, please contact me! I would be happy to advise you.

Please note that the house call fee is always due if I have traveled to your home - even if the treatment cannot take place for whatever reason. You will of course not be billed for the treatment itself if it cannot be carried out.


What are the payment terms like?

Please pay the amount due directly at the house call appointment. I accept all common Swiss EC cards , credit cards and TWINT payments.


Do you offer emergency vet services?

As I'm currently taking care of two small children, I cannot reliably offer emergency services. You may of course contact me whenever you have a veterinary emergency. If possible, I will arrange a housecall outside of my regular workdays.

In case of life-threatening emergencies, please head to the nearest veterinary practice right away! Clinics offering 24-hour emergency services are Tierspital Zürich and Marigin Zentrum für Tiermedizin.



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